Tuesday, January 19, 2010

So, my weekend ended up being pretty void of drunken debauchery, surprisingly.

Friday I went over to my exbf and his gf’s house. The ex and I drank beers in his man shed while his gf was getting extensions put in her hair. Yeah, I know. Extensions in the hair weirds me out too, but whatevs. When she got back we watched movies, ate candy and I crashed on their couch.

Saturday I woke up around 5am to a text from S that he sent at about 3:30am. He had been in a bike wreck and had to go to the ER. He lost his memory for an hour or so and broke his cheek bone. If he hadn’t been wearing his helmet, the damage would have been a lot worse. I almost wish he hadn’t sent me a text about it because I couldn’t get back to sleep. I’m a notorious worrywart. And why would he even text someone that he despised about it, anyway?

Have I mentioned that I hate boys?

Saturday was spent (still at exbf and current gf’s house) watching the Saints crush the Cardinals, with beer pong and vodka shots sprinkled in. Had a wrestling match with exbf’s gf (of which I don’t recall) and an impromptu dance party in the living room.

The rest of the weekend was spent lounging around exbf and his gf’s house, running errands with his gf, eating, doing pilates, going to the dog park and other non-note worthy things. I didn’t go home until last night. Weird.

It was actually a really great, low key weekend, which I feel like I kind of needed. Exbf and his gf are right up my alley when it comes to that kind of weekend. I really enjoy both their company. And they both slept on the couch with me almost every night (it’s a big, lounge-y couch with plenty of space), so it was like a pajama party with booze pretty much the whole time. And candy. And McDonalds breakfast yesterday morning. And little caesars pizza. I feel like a lump of lard today, but I’ll be healthy the rest of the week to combat that.

I talked to S briefly this morning via text. Asked him how his face was, how he was feeling overall, etc.

Why can’t “out of sight, out of mind” apply to our situation? I swear, the more time that passes, the more I miss him and convince myself he is the cats meow. Distance is definitely making the heart grow fonder and I don’t really know how to get over it. I know texting doesn’t help. I am aware of the no contact rule. It’s just so hard. How can I not be concerned when he was in the god dang emergency room this weekend?

I am hanging out with a boy tonight that I have been seeing a bit here and there for the past couple months. Honestly, he really bores me to the Nth degree. The sex is vanilla, the conversation is vanilla, his sense of humor is vanilla. I mean come on, is it really that appalling that I suggested (as a joke, obvi) that he have a circle jerk with his brother and his dad? He was like SERIOUSLY angry with me for that one. What a snoozefest.

Updates on how it went tomorrow.

Pump up songs of the moment:

Class Actress-Careful what you say
Chairlift- Evident utensil
Datarock- Fa fa fa

Sad sock songs of the moment:

Band of horses- I go to the barn because I like the
The entire Sigur Ros ( ) untitled album.


  1. I LOVE that Band of Horses song SO effing much.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oh my god,I sing along to it, full volume, at least once a day in my car. It's my fave.
